Monday, February 23, 2009

Spring Fever

Yesterday I had a serious case of spring fever. I just HAD to organize. Living in an apartment with a roommate and two cats, there is hardly a time when you can be alone or not feel like your walking on top of each other. Winter is almost over (around this part of the country that can mean another 2 more months of possible snow YIKES!) and I have been feeling a serious need to downsize a lot of my crafting supplies, clothes, games and books. I will be attending school starting April 6th and will have zero time for organization and spring cleaning.

However, my main motivation is the plain and simple fact that I need to find some more cash. For fees, books and gas money. I do not want to take out any more student loans if I can avoid it. I've only been out of school going on 5 months now and realized that I need a very secure recession/depression proof job (I know there really isn't such a thing, I just mean some career that isn't going anywhere for a while). I am looking into two fields both of which I find extremely interesting and that I have an aptitude for. We shall see which path I take in a couple of days.

Wish me luck!