Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Has Come and Gone

I cannot say that I am too sad about this Halloween coming and going so quickly. It is Nov. 1st and my mind is already on Christmas. I cannot wait! I love the reflection of life on the fresh fallen snow at night. I love hearing my niece and nephews laugh and bake with me. I simply cannot wait. One of my fave memories was taking Neely and Nolan to Mission Park to go sledding for the first time. Nolan was nervous, but man, once that kid went down you'd a thought that boy was made for extreme sports. (He totally is by the way.) Neely was more reserved and kept her feet diggin' into the icy hill ALL the way down. But that is just how she is in life too. A little cautious and a lot more reserved than her brother. Here's a pic of the fun day we had. They were tuckered out by the end of the 2 hr. stint. I knew what I was doing. Wink!
I am not sure what this Christmas season is going to hold for our family. I pray for my Dad's health and that our family can get closer. As all the kids get older I find that I cling to all the time we can get together. I can see only one more year before they all have the Santa thing figured out. That is a sign of impending tween years, boyfriends and girlfriends, sports and who knows whatever else. I got a little ahead of myself for a moment. But in all honesty, it's coming. I love them all so much and want nothing but the best for them. I am so excited to get to spend time with them during their 2 week winter break, lots of scrapbooking memories being made and gifts for me to make for them. LOVE IT!
F.Y.I., I came home from work tonight and found Jaime standing over the oven with a spoon full of orange goo with the biggest grin ever! Boy, did I catch her by surprise when I snapped the pic?! (I might have time to post that tomorrow!) I also found a very cute Halloween shirt waiting for me on my bed. We went to P.F. Changs for dinner tonight, did some shopping, got some movies and veged out at home.
I hope we get the kids tomorrow night! We have pumpkin pizza, soda, orange rice crispy treats, candy and cats! What more could two kids ask for in having the bestest Aunties in the World!?
I sure do hope everyone had a fun-filled Halloween! And don't forget to set your clocks BACK tomorrow night before you go to bed.